Category Archives: Important

Despite the world’s busy schedule and economy, there’s always something worth giving a risk usually followed by saying a phrase like: “There’s nothing to lose.” It could be using a few spare change to buy a lottery ticket instead of spending it for a candy bar. It could be getting out of your car and help the elderly pedestrian cross the street when you’re driving to somewhere. Or maybe it could be doing five extra push ups after completing thirty grueling push ups. In the end, everyone wins in their own ways and have departed to their lives with one better thing completed in their lives.

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One of America’s most famous icon’s quote, Marilyn Monroe speaks how harsh peoples’ words are, compared to animals, pets or anything else from the animal kingdom.

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Superheroes are courageous, unique in their own special powers but sometimes cocky and braggish. With today’s media, most heroes from DC Comics to Marvel, for example, are recognized by almost everyone just from how they strive to be publicized as the heroes who will save the day. But I will instead focus on the unspoken heroes that deserve a little recognition themselves.

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Animals run away for some reason. They can run away from their abusive, unhappy lives at home albeit it might be worse out in the real world where dog-nappers, animal pounds and animal abusers can do worse to animals.

In “The Tale of Two Cities”, the famous opening line of the novel was:

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

The moment where the gates of freedom opens and you dive into its world of independence, that is when we see the pros and cons of being unleashed into the wild.

But when you’ve realized you’re not dependent of someone else who’s there for you, you’ve come to realized that you have to struggle in order to support yourself instead of someone else supporting you.

Another example of this would be Sydney Carton, an important character in ‘Tale of Two Cities’. After his lonely childhood, he has resorted to alcohol to push aside depression temporarily and get on with the day. So when he drinks alcohol to alleviate his pain, it was the best of times. When he’s sober, it is the worst of times.

It’s important to think about the people or animals that you care for especially those whom you seldom see everyday or gets very little attention. It’s only a matter of time before you’ve realized they’ve gone their separate ways to look for someone or something else to give them the attention or relief they want when you’ve stepped out of your way to stop making them happy.

So play with your dogs! Brush your cat! Give someone you don’t know a hug (with their permission)! Make their days the best of times for them.