Category Archives: Fun

Last Tuesday was Earth Day and on that day, my English teacher decided that we should walk around the campus like a mini field-trip while talking is forbidden. I broke this rule in the most subtle ways (giggling) from the fact that one of my friends was carrying something which activated my curiosity, thus whispering her a quick question. That got me caught but luckily, my teacher was one of those lenient teachers who usually follows the unorthodox English path, at least most of the time.

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What are the likely chances of us succumbing to something that sounds so innocent and  harmless until it eventually brings us emotions of anger, wrath and fury from addiction? It really depends; there’s alcoholism and there’s Flappy Bird.

The game interface and the instructions seem extremely simple. It’s so simple that it’s one of the main reasons why many people are obsessed with the game and are constantly downloading it.

But the main question is: why do people loathe this game? It seems quite ironic as you compare the aesthetics of the game and the instructions while playing the game.

Perhaps it’s because of how unnatural it is to control the bird by itself. I mean normally, wouldn’t you expect a bird to know how to fly by itself instead of a person tapping it to go up?


This is the online version of Flappy Bird where the player controls both the bird to go up and down. It’s much easier since it is more well known to control a game this way. However Dong Nguyen, the creator of this game didn’t think of making the game this easy. Instead he would make this flippin’ bird flap up as you tap it. Sounds easy but it isn’t as you can tell at the picture below.

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This creates frustration, anger and wrath for the game and even more hate to the developer himself. So much hate that on February 11, 2014, Dong Nguyen decided to take the game out of Apple’s App Store and Google Play store for good. In his interview with Forbes, he stated “it has become a problem” as it has became an addiction for millions of players. But so far, the game hasn’t been such a problem to him. In fact, he has collecting at an estimate of $50,000 a day from advertising!

After reviewing the overall aspects of this game, it has put another meaning into the quote “haters gonna hate.” His hated game raked up so much money before and even AFTER the removal of the game. Users with iPhones that have included the game have been selling their phones on eBay at ridiculous prices, some even at $100,000!

In the end, would you say that Flappy Bird was a phenomenal success? Or could it be a crafty work of every evil geniuses combined? Whatever it is, I say removing Flappy Bird forever gives it an excuse to take extra flying lessons.

In today’s generation, our way of passing time with our convenient access to the internet, is to watch silly animal videos and scroll and giggle at ‘memes’ of cats and dogs doing human activities such as this:

But how is this viewed as humorous, comedic or funny? In this case, we can see we’re laughing at farce comedy or horseplay comedy. In my English class, we discussed about comedy and how we understand it based on our knowledge and history.

In most cases when seeing animals perform tricks or pose for an amusing photo, we see this as an exaggeration and to react to this kind of exaggeration, we either cry or laugh, and in this case, we laugh (unless there’s a terrible pun accompanied with the photo.)

Sometimes, us humans makes animals more humorous by making them like humans. This creates an image of ridicule that have us laughing incredibly just like in this video where the two men would sub in French for the cats’ dialogue.

But don’t forget, comedy should promotes happiness and playfulness where everyone shouldn’t be feeling offended.

“You can’t be mean and funny at the same time.”

So in the end, we can see that comedy is not just something you laugh from a dollar joke book or an obnoxious comedy film. It’s an emotion that trajects happiness from our thoughts of everything.

Comment down below your favorite pun, joke, riddle or a little story or situation you’ve encountered that made you laugh! I really want to know your side of humor!

I think you may have read that word wrong. “Viral”. No, these animals aren’t going cray-cray with rabies and whatnot.

These animals!

My favorite out of them all is the sneezing panda

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